Omnis Group ISIS.NET

Omnis Group (Integrated Strategic Information Systems) is a set of web applications that provide Enterprise Resource Planning and Enterprise Application Integration services. The solution’s complexity is transparent to the user; all functionalities and information services can be accessed using an Internet browser.

ISIS .net offers the capabilities required in the process of managing the internal business operations of the enterprise (accounting, stock management, human resources and payroll), opens interfaces for Internet-supported virtual markets (business-to-business site used for placing and tracking on-line orders) and integrates Customer Relationship Management (CRM) facilities.

The ISIS solution and its implementation in the romanian tire industry companies won, in 2001, the award of the Retail Headquarters Applications – ERP category. In the selected group of winners, Omnis Group joined, among others, NCR Corporation from USA, Matra Systems and Radiant Systems from UK.

At the 2002 edition of the same competition, the ISIS .net system version was nominated as a finalist in the category “Best use of open Internet technologies”, next to IVIS, the UK company that built the IT solution for the Tesco retail chain.    
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Clients – Hospitality, Real Estate, Services, Restaurants






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Clienţi – Imobiliar

Clienţi – IMM, Servicii, Productie/Distributie

Brief History

Omnis Group was founded in 1990, as the first private company in Romania to develop software solutions on top of the most advanced technology platforms.

Since then, the company gained a solid technological expertise, in the process of building and implementing software systems, solutions and services, while sustaining successful collaborations with international partners.

In 1996, Omnis Group was the first romanian Microsoft Certified Partner company, certification continually renewed.

Omnis Group quality management certifications includes SRAC and IQNET ISO/IEC 27001:2005, SR EN ISO 9001:2001, M.A.P.N. OMCAS – 02.01/SR EN ISO 9001:2001, M.A.I. NG CCAS – 02.01/SR EN ISO 9001:2001.

The main objective of the company consists of the continuous development and refinement of a framework that promotes originality, advances knowledge and supports the construction of complex and innovative IT systems.    more …